



Africa has only received a mere 2% of global renewable energy investments over the last two decades, with the bulk of these investments flowing into a small number of countries, as reported by IRENA.


Investing in Africa’s renewable energy sector is crucial for meeting global climate commitments and achieving sustainable development. However, the region’s lack of significant investment in this sector poses a threat to the world’s ability to achieve these targets.

A recent report by the International Energy Agency, in collaboration with the World Bank and the World Economic Forum, highlights this concern and calls for annual clean energy investments in emerging markets and developing economies to be multiplied by over seven times by 2030, reaching over $1 trillion. This critical investment is necessary to achieve the world’s target of net-zero emissions by 2050.

To address this challenge, the Mobilizing Investment for Clean Energy in Emerging Economies Initiative is working to accelerate the development of bold proposals and frameworks that facilitate investments in emerging and developing economies. As a renewable energy expert, I can confirm that significant investment in Africa’s renewable energy sector is essential to accelerate the energy transition and meet global climate commitments.

Investing in Africa’s renewable energy sector presents numerous opportunities, including access to abundant natural resources, growing demand for energy, and favorable government policies. By investing in this sector, we can not only contribute to sustainable development but also drive economic growth, create jobs, and improve energy security.

Therefore, it is crucial for governments, private sector players, and international organizations to collaborate and mobilize investments towards Africa’s renewable energy sector. Together, we can achieve a cleaner, more sustainable future while creating economic opportunities for all.

KOMANI Africa Fund

The fund focuses on Nigeria primarily and will look to other parts of the African Continent

The Imperative for Renewable Energy Investment

Advancing Global Climate Commitments

Meeting global climate commitments requires significant investments in Africa’s renewable energy sector. As the world strives to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, it is crucial to amplify annual clean energy investments in emerging markets and developing economies, reaching over $1 trillion by 2030. This commitment is essential in driving the transition to a sustainable energy landscape.

Powering the Energy Transition and Ensuring Security

The world is currently facing an energy crisis influenced by geopolitical instabilities and the urgent need to transition away from fossil fuels. By embracing and accelerating the adoption of renewable energy sources, Africa has the unique opportunity to leapfrog this global crisis. Diversifying the energy mix with renewables enhances energy security, reduces vulnerability to price fluctuations, and fosters long-term stability.

Catalyst for Economic Growth and Job Creation

Investing in Africa’s renewable energy sector serves as a catalyst for economic growth and the creation of sustainable job opportunities. This burgeoning sector offers a multitude of possibilities for business development, skill enhancement, and technological innovation. By harnessing the potential of clean energy, we can drive economic prosperity while safeguarding our environment for future generations.

Collaborative Approach for Success

Powering Change through Collaboration

Realizing the full potential of Africa’s renewable energy sector requires collaboration among governments, private sector players, and international organizations. By fostering strong public-private partnerships, we can leverage collective strengths, share resources, and drive investments that create a lasting positive impact. Together, we can accelerate the energy transition and achieve our shared sustainable development goals.

Mobilizing Investments
for Impact

Mobilizing substantial investments towards Africa’s renewable energy sector is a collective endeavor. Governments, corporate leaders, and investors are urged to renew their support for renewable energy and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. By mobilizing significant investment, we can overcome challenges, create a conducive investment climate, and unlock the immense potential of Africa’s renewable energy resources.

Join the Movement

Investing in Africa’s renewable energy sector serves as a catalyst for economic growth and the creation of sustainable job opportunities. This burgeoning sector offers a multitude of possibilities for business development, skill enhancement, and technological innovation. By harnessing the potential of clean energy, we can drive economic prosperity while safeguarding our environment for future generations.

Sustainable Energy Africa
The African Energy

is currently impacted by the current slowdown in the global energy landscape and market.

Sustainable Energy Africa
Africa Is Also

adversely affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Sustainable Energy Africa
The Long-Term

answer is not to replace fossil-fuel supplies but instead to focus on the energy transition.